
Learn More About MayDay51

Information about the Token

MayDay51 Token is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) token

  • Name: MayDay51
  • Symbol: 51
  • Max Supply: 18,860,501
  • Decimals: 9
  • Contract 0xb18D34D2CB4505EEa4DbB46f1331F71a47A46c4b
  • contract Managed 0xf2e457445b013b41b4e23be21e5a54e841a5a2d3
  • Blockchain Polygon

The 51 token is a decentralized Autonomous organization (DAO) token based on Binanchan that aims to provide a more democratic, transparent and just way of governance for the community. Our goal is to create a community ecosystem with high engagement and good incentives for users.

The total number of 51 tokens is 18,860,501. In order to improve liquidity, we will add 10% of the token to the liquidity pool at the time of the token issue, which will help increase the trading volume and liquidity of the token.

In order to encourage community members to participate and contribute, the following allocation will be made: 30% of tokens will be used for airdrops and 10% of tokens will be used for mission activities and raffles. These tokens will serve as incentives to reward community members for their participation and contribution.

In addition, we plan to donate 20% of the tokens to random working people in various countries over five years. We believe this will help support the development of working people and improve their lives.

In addition, in order to improve the governance capacity of 51 tokens, we plan to auction the Constitution on labor with 30% of the tokens, which will help establish a more perfect community governance mechanism and improve the governance efficiency and stability of 51 tokens.

Finally, we will apply the 1% sales tax to the development team reserve to ensure that we can continuously improve and improve the level of technology and service.

We believe that through the design and application of 51 tokens, we will be able to provide community members with better opportunities for participation and governance, while also supporting the development and improved lives of working people. We welcome the participation and suggestions of community members to work with us to build a more democratic, transparent and just model of community governance.


Money, like religion, is a human institution. Money and religion are two of the most important systems of human cooperation, Privacy in the transaction is an important component of human privacy

Nick Szabo

CEO & inspiration

Decentralization is a tool to protect individual freedom and privacy is a fundamental tool for financial freedom, we must fight to achieve it, remember that true innovation comes from friction, not from conformity

Jameson Lopp

inspirational crypto

Blockchain is more than a technology, it is a revolution that is changing the way we interact, share data and build applications in the digital world and privacy is essential.

Anatoly Yakovenko

inspirational crypto

Blockchain technology is a revolution that will change the way we live and do business and although the blockchain is a reflection of pure and transparent data, we also need to work more on user privacy.

Justin Sun

inspirational crypto

* Privacy is a fundamental human right that should not be compromised. * Privacy is essential for individual freedom and autonomy. * Privacy is the cornerstone of personal security and individual freedom.

Ross Ulbricht

inspirational Privacy


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Phase 1: Initial Development

2022 - Present
  • Finalize and audit the 51 token contract.
  • Conduct thorough testing and bug fixes.
  • Establish social media presence and promote the project to create awareness.


Phase 2: Launch and Promotion

2023 - Present
  • Launch the 51 contract on the smart bsc network.
  • Implement marketing and promotion strategies to increase visibility and adoption of the token.
  • Explore collaboration opportunities with influencers and related communities.
  • Design and execute airdrop and reward programs to incentivize user participation and retention.

Phase 3: Expansion and Adoption

2023 - 2024
  • Explore listing opportunities on relevant cryptocurrency exchanges to increase token liquidity.
  • Implement staking and reward programs to incentivize token holders' retention and participation..
  • Expand the user and developer community through events, webinars, and participation in forums and discussion groups.

Challenges and Achievements

Phase 4: Consolidation and Diversification

2023 - 2024

  • Explore integration opportunities with other platforms or projects to broaden the token's utility and reach.
  • Design and execute loyalty programs to maintain and attract new users.
  • Continue social media efforts to strengthen the community, promote updates, and keep followers informed.

Phase 5: Innovation and Future Development

2023 - 2024

  • Explore expansion opportunities to other blockchain networks or crypto ecosystems.
  • Maintain active communication with the community and adapt the roadmap based on user needs and suggestions.


My Works

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Designed by MayDay51